domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

The Importance of Considering Languages Approaches when Designing Language Teaching Materials

When the teacher is going to give the lesson he or she always uses different kinds of activities so that students can learn or appropriate the information that the teacher is trying to teach them. Then, he could have a way in which he can draw on something to do his performance as a teacher. That is called approach and most teachers use it. Then, this is a way in which a teacher develops his class.

In teaching English there are many sorts of approaches for teaching classes such as Suggestopedia, Silent Way, Total Physical Response, etc. All of these have a unique way for carrying out a class and the teacher uses one of these or another to create and implement his activities in class such as explanation, evaluation, games and so on. Then, through an approach teacher will design his materials for his classes and they are necessary because they will permit teacher to have a clear idea of what he wants to achieve with the material in his lesson. Also, when the teacher is making the material he has to think what kind of abilities he will improve in his students whether they are either speaking, reading, writing or listening. In addition, there are some approaches focus on one or two abilities and teacher will choose one with what he will work in his lesson.

Moreover, considering language approaches for the creating of teaching material are essential for the kinds of activities that the teacher will develop. If the teacher knows the language approaches, he will know how he has to act in class and the resources that he would utilize to get students to learn. For example, multiple intelligences have 8 intelligences in which each of them has different ways to implement its materials and of course the kinds of materials. Then, they can be puzzles, word games, role plays, collaborative groups and record music.

To sum up, if a teacher knows more about language approaches, he will develop excellent materials for his classes. Besides, approaches are a guide for teacher’s activities. That is to say, teaching materials need to be supported by an approach and this will say how the material could be used.