Hace un tiempo tuve la experiencia de trabajar en un call center bilingüe, específicamente en la campaña de ebay. En esta campaña aprendí varias palabras y expresiones en inglés y me gustaría compartirlas contigo.
con el fin de que veas cuantas palabras sabes y si estás pensando laborar en un
call center este vocabulario te sirva de insumo como preparación.
Listen to the words to learn the pronunciation:
- Auction:
subasta, subastar
- Bank statement:
extracto bancario
- Bear
with me: se paciente/
ten paciencia
- Biweekly:
quincenal/ cada 2 semanas
- Carrier: empresa de transportes (UPS, USPS, FEDEX)
- Counteroffer:
- Counterfeit:
falsification/ falsificar
- Cut off:
- Talk over: interrumpir (Elevando la voz)
- Daylight saving time: horario de Verano
- Department:
- Disclosure:
divulgacion/ revelacion
- Drop-down menu: menu
- Freak out:
ponerse loco
- Gift
card: Tarjeta regalo
(Internal Revenue Service):
servicio de impuesto internos
- I can barely
hear you: Apenas/a duras penas puedo oirte.
- Listing:
- May I place you
on a hold for 2 minutes?: ¿Puedo
ponerte en espera por 2 minutos?
- On demand: por en cargo
- On
hold: en espera,
- Overview:
- Payment: pago (el que tú haces)
- payout: pago (el que tú recibes)
- rapport: relacion/entendimiento
- Routing number
(US)/Transit number (CAN) / Sort code (UK)/ BSB number
(Bank State Branch) (AU): Número de ruta
- Scammer:
estafador (online)
- Shipping label: etiqueta de envio
- Step in:
- Threshold: umbral (el límite de algo)
- Tracking
number: número de rastreo, guia.
- Verbatim: textualmente, palabra por palabra
En este video puedes encontrar claros ejemplos de cómo se usa el vocabulario anterior:
Drill 2: Read the following short paragraph and answer the questions:
During an online auction, a buyer discovered a scammer
trying to sell a counterfeit item. When the scammer was caught, the auction was
immediately put on hold, and the listing was removed. The buyer freaked out because
he had already paid with a gift card including the cost of the shipping label. Fortunately,
the buyer notified the auction platform and they decided to step in, promising
to resolve the issue.
Drill 3: Listen to the conversation about customer service and answer the questions:
Drill 4: Listen to the audio again, learn the pronunciation of unknown words and learn 3 questions or answers that you would say sometime.
Customer Service Representative: Thank you for
calling Customer Support. How can I assist you today?
Customer: Hi, I’m having trouble with my order.
Customer Service Representative: I can barely
hear you. Could you please speak a little louder?
Customer: Oh, sorry about that. I was saying I have an issue
with my order’s shipping label.
Customer Service Representative: I see. May I
place you on hold for 2 minutes while I check the details?
Customer: Sure, no problem.
Customer Service Representative: Thank you for
holding. It seems there’s an issue with the carrier. Do you have your tracking
number handy?
Customer: Yes, it’s 12-3456-789.
Customer Service Representative: Got it. One
more thing to note, due to daylight saving time adjustments, there might be a
slight delay. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Customer: That’s okay, thanks for your help!
Customer Service Representative: You’re welcome!
Have a great day!
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