martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Headaches with Cards

Nowadays, there are many problems related to plastic money that affect people without distinguishing gender or age. Namely credit cards and debit cards are those that present issues. These situations occur after a couple of weeks or even days of acquiring the card. As a result of those problems you will be involved in debts and products that you have to pay. That is why you must be careful with your words.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

Language Acquisition And Learning

Language learning is a natural process in human life and in this process intervene some aspects in the student’s learning life. Some of these aspects are the process of language learning; the similarities and differences between acquire and learn a language and the Krashen’s hypothesis in language learning.

Firstly, children learn their first language by listening and imitating sounds of the language with which child has contact through other people of the same language. Soon after, when child grows he is able to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words and sentences to communicate.

Nevertheless, children can acquire or learn a language and they acquire it through the communication with people. Also, in this process children do not pay attention to grammatical rules of the language and their learning process is subconscious. In fact, they will learn better the first language when they practice it. Moreover, most people learn a language by instruction. They learn grammatical rules and many vocabulary lists, but they do not develop speaking and writing skills. That is to say, their learning processes are conscious and they know the knowledge that they have. Therefore, this is called language learning.

Language acquisition and learning have characteristics very similar. For example, both processes need much time to be developed and it is necessary to figure out a set of language rules each one. In addition, language is learned through observation and practice in communicative interactions among students or people can talk or are learning the same language. Likewise, mistakes made by students are a natural part of language acquisition.

On the other hand language acquisition and learning have some differences too. For instance, when you learn a new language, you have a prior understanding of how language works, but when you are a child you learn language from scratch. However, errors made by first language learners are accepted, whereas errors made by foreign language learners do are corrected.

Moreover, you learn a language when you understand the messages of people that they are trying to convey.  That is to say, you acquire the language by the comprehension of the information. Therefore, you are able to learn and command a language when you understand what people say and that is the best way to acquire a language.

Also, it is important students can express freely without fear to make some error. That is to say, those learners who focus on grammatical rules too much might not acquire correctly the language. Therefore, paraphrasing to Krashen, teacher should not correct too much students, because they will feel fear when they try to speak. This is called monitor correction device and does not have to be overused.

In language learning is fundamental a low affective filter. This is important when teacher is going to teach and learner is going to learn. According to Krashen, “the affective filter can be thought of as a wall that is present around the learner. If that wall is too high because of stress, then language learning cannot take place.” Knowing this, teacher would have to include new activities to impede students get stressed in class.

Finally and as a result, through these hypotheses, teachers know what they can do and not to get students develop their knowledge in a language. Also, those people who learn by themselves know now how to begin learning and that their results being excellent. Both, teacher and learner have not to teach and memorize vocabulary lists, but to have the opportunity to exchange with other students by conversations or interactive classes.


1. Learning to communicate by speaking and writing as well as to comprehend what others say by listening and reading is so essential for human welfare where people are talking every-time and our ability to communicate with our community is primordial to understand them.

2. You learn a language when you understand the messages of people that they are trying to convey.  That is to say, you acquire the language by the comprehension of the information. Therefore, you are able to learn and command a language when you understand what people say.

3. Learning a foreign language can have different reasons and can be learned at any age, however the first language is learned for survival and you learn it when you are born.


Haynes, J. (n.d.). Language Acquisition vs. Language Learning. Retrieved June 13, 2014, from everythingESL:

language acquisition. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2014, from State College of Florida:

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Language acquisition. Retrieved June 13, 2014, from Wikipedia:

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

What Is Culture And Why Should It Be Taught? | Language and Culture

Culture is an aspect of life that everyone creates along the way and all people interchange many elements of it. For example, culture involves a language, customs, history, values, attitudes, and so on. All these elements join people and they modify it every day through the best communication media which is the language that they have in common.

Besides, that “Culture defines not only what its members should think or learn but also what they should ignore or treat as irrelevant” (Eleanor Armour-Thomas & Sharon-ann Gopaul- McNicol, 1998: 56). This is particularly true due to citizens were bred under rules, values, thoughts and behaviors.

In the same way, culture is the foundation of communication, language goes beyond words and structures, it is related to culture directly due to culture explains who talks to whom, and how people encode messages and so on.

On the other hand, teaching the culture in the classroom it is very necessary to let students know how native speakers thing and act. However, culture is viewed as some that go beyond and cover more aspects and it is not something that you can teach; it is something that you acquire along the time. So, it is necessary to show the way and the classroom is the place which offers the chance to learn by interacting each other through festivals, ceremonies, common expression, and so on.

Likewise, it is necessary to know students already got a culture before they know one. So, teaching culture brings awareness and fosters the student’s observation of details in communication with native speakers of the target language.


She says that some of the most important aspects to understand culture of English language, a apart of the language, it’s to get involved on their holidays like Memorial Day and Flag Day; relationship and values. This elements are essential to understand English especially USA. This is particularly true due to everybody in Colombia are very different and each person has his or her own way of being and acting due to culture, history and education. Their people are similar to other people. However, the people from this country are very open and have an easy way of make a relationship with others so quickly. They have the characteristic of smiling everything and enjoying everywhere.

He says that the most primordial aspects for teaching the culture are the language, history, values, beliefs, and so on. He says that values are very essential to understand what a person really is. For instance Colombian people have their own characteristics of being way and some of them could be higher than other because all of them are so different aspects like the ones mentioned before. However, there are a couple of good habits that excel on everyone such as their capacity of not giving up as easily, finding solutions for everything and charisma to delight everything and like this way make friends.

He says that some of the most useful elements to teach at a school to understand other culture are the customs, history beliefs and attitudes. This is a mandatory to know it and not go judging people without does not know it the truth. He said that beliefs, According to the Political Constitution, Colombia is a lay country in general. Nevertheless, like in other developed countries, there are people with different deities and citizens praise then in different ways some of them are acceptable in the society but there are others that are very freak and creepy as well as there are people who do not believe in anything and other who believe in energy and the spiritual and multidimensional power to cure and transcend as on a energetically way.

In the same way, other important aspect is the attitudes. For example, Colombian behavior it’s a little different from other countries. For example, in united stated people are reserved and Colombians tend to tell everyone about their country customs or food. Also, Colombians persist more than others to reach what they want and that make them competitive people, but in the same way they know when relax and save time. All these attitudes as visible on some Colombian people but they are the most essential and those which excel.


UNAD. (2016, June 23). Defining language and culture. Retrieved from