viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Translation Techniques Essay | Translation Techniques

In the world exist a lot of languages and each language involves a culture in which each person belongs to this culture, for this we use different methods, strategies and procedures to translate and interpret speech that other people say or communicate in different situations like at school in which students are more involved in the translation in their classrooms.

For translating the speech of a culture to other, we can translate or interpret. Translation expresses in one language a written text in other language. For example, translating an English written document to the Spanish. This is focusing in written text through reading. According to Schreech (2010), translation is precise, that is to say each word of a text o document must be correct, but that takes a long time to do it.

Interpretation explains in a personal manner some broadcast messages in an oral manner. For example, when someone speaks English other person is explaining in other language that this is saying. Interpreting is focused in speaking through listening. According to Schreech (2010), in the interpretation, speech is reconstructed with other words what the speakers is saying, so interpretation can’t be quite precise as a translation. But interpretation is immediately.

Interpretation is divided in two, simultaneous and consecutives. First, simultaneous interpreting is when I’m speaking and another person is immediately interpreting my ideas. Finally, consecutives interpreting is when a speaker speaks for a few minutes and the interpreter takes notes and then speakers stops and the interpreter gives an interpretation about he said.

In the translation techniques there are two types, Direct Translation Techniques and Oblique Translation Techniques. First, they’re used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the target language. Also, it’s divided in three: a). Borrowing, it’s the taking of words directly from one language into another without translation; b) Calque, it’s the taking of a phrase from another language and translate it literally word-for-word; c) Literal Translation, it’s a word-for-word translation can be used in some languages and not others dependent on the sentence structure (Bosco, G., 2013).

Oblique Translation Techniques are used when the structural or conceptual elements of the source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning the grammatical and stylistics elements of the target language. Also, these are divided in five: a) Transposition, it’s the process where parts of speech change their sequence when they are translated; b) Modulation, it’s the using of a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to convey the same idea; c) Reformulation or Equivalence, it’s to express something in a completely different way; d) Adaptation, it occurs when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture; e) Compensation, it’s used when something cannot be translated, and the meaning that is lost is expressed somewhere else in the translated text (Bosco, G., 2013). 

Translation ability is very important in foreign students and teacher, when they aren’t in their country or when they are in a place where the native language is different to they speak. Then, those contacts with foreign languages serve as translation activities can be employed to enhance the four skills and develop accuracy, clarity and flexibility (Duff 1989:7)

Finally, everybody can benefit of translation in special foreign personas as some students, teachers… are a different culture. Therefore, these can benefit in learning of new culture, though we can’t go to other country, we can know different people through technological tools and know new customs.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Translation Techniques | exercise

Párrafo 3: Investigación

Historia de la Escleroderma

En otro artículo seminal de Thomas G. Benedek y Gerald P. Rodnan (15), publicado en 1982, los autores analizan en una forma profunda como se realizó el conocimiento del esclerema hasta lograr diferenciar estas entidades de la escleroderma, para ello revisaron en una forma exhaustiva los artículos publicados en los siglos XVII, XVIII, XIX y comienzos del siglo XX, para dilucidar y esclarecer las diferentes nomenclaturas realizadas para esa época. Las palabras esclerema, escleroedema y escleroderma se derivan de la palabra griega Skleros que significa “duro”. La palabra escleroderma y la primera descripción de la enfermedad se realizan a mediados del siglo XIX, por ello en las descripciones del siglo XVII y XVIII, la confusión de estos tres términos fue muy grande, para ello describiremos como fueron las diferentes secuencias de los hallazgos en una forma cronológica, tratando de describir los hallazgos más relevantes y poder aclarar como fue el origen de esta enfermedad compleja.

Paragraph 3: Research

Scleroderma’s History

In another Thomas G. Benedek and Gerald P. Rodnan (15) seminal article’s, published in 1982, the authors analyze in a deep way how made the knowledge of the sclerema to get to distinguish these scleroderma’s entities, for that they researched in a thorough way the published articles in 17th, 18th, 19th centuries and at the beginning of the 20th century for elucidating and clear up the developed different nomenclatures at that time. The words sclerema, scleroedema and scleroderma are derived of the Greek word Skleros and it means “hard”.  The word scleroderma and the first description of the disease was made in the middle of the 19th century, for that in descriptions of the 17th and 18th centuries, confusion of these three terms was very big, for that we will describe how the different sequences of the findings were in a chronological way, trying to describe the most important findings and can clarify how origin of this complex disease was.


In this paragraph I used Retention of the name strategy; I used the name as such in “Thomas G. Benedek and Gerald P. Rodnan and Skleros”. Also, I used Recognized translation in these words.

In this paragraph I had some problems to translate “forma profunda”, because there were various ways to translate this part. Also, the word “realizó” I had to change for other to express good the phrase, also in the verb “lograr diferenciar” I had to change it. In addition, the word “revisaron” I changed for “research”. Beside, in the Romanian numbers I change for cardinal numbers. finally, I changed the word “escleroedema” for scleroedema.

Párrafo 4: Historia

Rodrigo de Bastidas natural de Sevilla, decide dejar su antiguo oficio de escribano para dedicarse a probar fortuna.
Llega así a las costas panameñas en el vértice, donde se unen la América Central y la América del Sur, en la región del Darién; regresa a Santo Domingo cargado de oro, lo cual mantiene su deseo de seguir conquistando. A partir de este hecho, la región del Darién se convierte en foco central hacia el cual convergen todas las personas que andaban en busca de glorias, riquezas y famas.
Es en esta región inhóspita en donde se fundan las primeras poblaciones españolas en tierra firme. Con la llegada de Bastidas al Istmo se inicia el período hispánico. Los datos históricos señalan que Rodrigo de Bastidas visitó parcialmente las costas del litoral Atlántico del Istmo en 1500.

Paragraph 4: History


Rodrigo de Bastidas native of Seville, decide to leave his old job of scribe for dedicating to try his luck. 

Thus he get to the Panamanian coasts in the vertex, where it joins Central America and South America, in the region of the Darien; he return to Santo Domingo loaded of gold, which keeps his wish to follow conquering. From this fact, the region of the Darien becomes in central focus where all people converge that walk in questing of glories, riches and fames. 
It is in this inhospitable region where first Spanish populations are founded on land. With the arrival of Bastidas to the Isthmus begins the Hispanic period. Historical data show that Rodrigo de Bastidas visited partly coasts of the Atlantic littoral of the Isthmus in 1500.

In this paragraph I used Retention of the name strategy; I used the name as such in “Rodrigo de Bastidas and Santo Domingo”.

In this paragraph I had various problems too, for example the word “natural” I couldn’t know if that word would work for express born. “escribano” word was a hard word for translating too, because it’s an old word. Also, the expression “hacia el cual” was very defficult for me, so I used the word “where” 

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

Translation vs. Interpreting | Translation Techniques

  1. Express your own opinion on the topic Translation vs. Interpreting and post it (Agree, disagree, consider differently, why?)

I agree with the meanings of translation and interpreting. Because translating express in one language a written text in other language. For example, translating an English written document to the Spanish. While, interpreting explains in a personal manner some broadcast messages in an oral manner. For example, when a president speaks English other person is explaining in other language that president is saying. In addition, the translation is used in books, movies, etc. it takes time to do it. Finally, interpreting is used in important spaces and times like in conferences or speech of politicians and it’s immediately.


Please resume what Mr. Toby Schreech considers are the main differences between Translators and interpreters 
Translating is focused in written text through reading (written language). On the other hand, interpreting is focused in speaking through listening (oral language). Also, translating is precise, that is to say each word of a text o document must be correct, but interpreting is reconstructed with other words what the speakers is saying. Indeed, Interpreting can’t be quite precise as a translation. Besides, translating takes a long time to do it and interpreting is immediately. Also, there are two kinds of interpreting, consecutives and simultaneous. Simultaneous interpreting is when I’m speaking and another person is immediately interpreting my ideas. Finally, consecutives interpreting is when a speaker speaks for a few minutes and the interpreter takes notes and then speakers stops and the interpreter gives an interpretation about he said.

  1. Present a document of no more than 200 words where you clearly expose the differences established by Mr. Screech, and, you consider the most important differences and why. (please express your opinion as supporting ideas on the difference chosen) 

The most important in translating is this expresses in one language a written text in other language. For example, translating an English written document to the Spanish. This is focusing in written text through reading. Also, translating is precise, that is to say each word of a text o document must be correct, but that takes a long time to do it.
Interpreting explains in a personal manner some broadcast messages in an oral manner. For example, when someone speaks English other person is explaining in other language that this is saying. Interpreting is focused in speaking through listening. In the interpreting, speech is reconstructed with other words what the speakers is saying, so Interpreting can’t be quite precise as a translation. But interpreting is immediately.

These two terms have many differences, but both have important characteristics and that does special them. It’s good to know the meanings of these concepts because we can understand what translation techniques are and the kinds of interpreting a language.