domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

Translation vs. Interpreting | Translation Techniques

  1. Express your own opinion on the topic Translation vs. Interpreting and post it (Agree, disagree, consider differently, why?)

I agree with the meanings of translation and interpreting. Because translating express in one language a written text in other language. For example, translating an English written document to the Spanish. While, interpreting explains in a personal manner some broadcast messages in an oral manner. For example, when a president speaks English other person is explaining in other language that president is saying. In addition, the translation is used in books, movies, etc. it takes time to do it. Finally, interpreting is used in important spaces and times like in conferences or speech of politicians and it’s immediately.


Please resume what Mr. Toby Schreech considers are the main differences between Translators and interpreters 
Translating is focused in written text through reading (written language). On the other hand, interpreting is focused in speaking through listening (oral language). Also, translating is precise, that is to say each word of a text o document must be correct, but interpreting is reconstructed with other words what the speakers is saying. Indeed, Interpreting can’t be quite precise as a translation. Besides, translating takes a long time to do it and interpreting is immediately. Also, there are two kinds of interpreting, consecutives and simultaneous. Simultaneous interpreting is when I’m speaking and another person is immediately interpreting my ideas. Finally, consecutives interpreting is when a speaker speaks for a few minutes and the interpreter takes notes and then speakers stops and the interpreter gives an interpretation about he said.

  1. Present a document of no more than 200 words where you clearly expose the differences established by Mr. Screech, and, you consider the most important differences and why. (please express your opinion as supporting ideas on the difference chosen) 

The most important in translating is this expresses in one language a written text in other language. For example, translating an English written document to the Spanish. This is focusing in written text through reading. Also, translating is precise, that is to say each word of a text o document must be correct, but that takes a long time to do it.
Interpreting explains in a personal manner some broadcast messages in an oral manner. For example, when someone speaks English other person is explaining in other language that this is saying. Interpreting is focused in speaking through listening. In the interpreting, speech is reconstructed with other words what the speakers is saying, so Interpreting can’t be quite precise as a translation. But interpreting is immediately.

These two terms have many differences, but both have important characteristics and that does special them. It’s good to know the meanings of these concepts because we can understand what translation techniques are and the kinds of interpreting a language.

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