domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

My Eyes' Operation

On December 26th, 2012, my eyes were operated in Popayan. I was only 17 years old when all things were going to change at that time. I began my day getting up at seven to be in the Fundaciòn Oftalmològica Vejarano. I had to be 2 hours before the surgery so that the ophthalmologist and staff could have all the instruments ready to start. Also, I had to use comfortable clothes so that I could take it off quickly and put on a kind of hospital suit with a cap. This was to assure I was as comfortable as possible. 

Then, I entered to a hall alone where there were other rooms and doctors too. A nurse applied drops on my eyes to anesthetize them, so I could not feel any pain. The place was a little cold but I was calm. Then, I had to get into a small room and it was like a fridge, so cold. There were four people, one of them was the surgeon. After, I lay down on a bed and an assistant gave me two balls made of foam to squeeze them. Then, he wrapped me up with some blankets because I was freezing. Then, the surgeon took a tool to open my eyelids in my right eye first. It did not hurt. 

After that, he used another instrument to cut circularly my cornea. It did not hurt either. Then, he used a laser to burn some parts of the pupil while I looked at a red light. The sound of the laser was similar when you try to turn an electric stove on. The process was the same with the other eye. But, it did hurt when the doctor tried to open the eyelids. After a while, they finished and put a bandage on my eyes. Finally, I left the room and I dressed to go home.

Two hours after the operation, I began feeling a pain in my eyes and I had to have a pill for it. Then, I went to the ophthalmologist’s office in order to examine my new eyes. He said that the surgery was successful and I had no longer those two ocular diseases called Myopia and Astigmatism. In the same way, I had to take care of my eyes at least one week. I could not watch TV, exercise, go to the swimming pool nor use my computer. Also, I had to wear dark glasses for two months because sunlight could damage the healing process on my eyes. Besides, I had to use drops for eyes to avoid dryness on them for five months. Now, six years later, I am good and I can see perfectly.

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